A nonpartisan piece

While one political party may celebrate and the other mourn an outcome, this post is about something universal: something that goes to the core of human existence, something that challenges both parties. It’s this:
In which world will we Americans choose to live?
1. A world with God, or
2. One without
Our nation was founded upon the enduring principle that our Creator bestowed certain inalienable rights, including “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” Flowing from this creed is the acceptance of a basic moral order; the preciousness of every member of the human family; and the nuclear family, itself.
Enshrined in the Constitution, these God-given individual rights are to be secured and defended by government. Here is found the balance between standards and liberty, between “form and freedom.” The guardrails for behavior in society, while not always observed, are widely accepted. Other people’s beliefs, conscience, and practices are respected or tolerated, if not celebrated.
In a world that is the product of material, energy, time and chance, the human mind is king. The human mind determines who is worthy to exist and who may be destroyed. The human mind codifies what is acceptable behavior and that which falls short.
In this world, humans determine the rules, which vary from one generation to the next. Order is made possible by the exercise of raw power, and no one is safe.
Believe me when I say that this is not intended to be a partisan post. Some in my Republican party have ventured from a world in which God exists, or has anything to say to us. From my vantage point, Democrats have been on this sojourn far longer.
We all need to take inventory.
Where is our assurance that, in the end, we will not give an account for our lives?
The future of our nation depends on returning to the One Who made us, acknowledging His sovereignty over human affairs, and humbling ourselves in repentance.
Like it or hate it; take it or leave it; God will not be mocked. The ancient writings say, “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.” While first given to Israel, the general principle applies to all peoples.
In which world?