At this juncture in our nation’s history…

An outline that helps me make sense of it all.

The Eternal…
“And He shall reign forever and ever.”

> God has a plan for every nation on earth––ours being no exception.

> God has been pleased to use anyone––pagan or saint––to accomplish His purposes.

> God’s warning of judgment will not be diluted by our denials.

> There will be a final line when every mortal will stand before God.

> Jesus Christ did for His people what we could never do for ourselves; namely, offer an acceptable sacrifice for our sin.

> Whatever our political system, economic structure, or human condition, we all have been created in God’s image and are commanded to love God and our neighbor.

The Temporal
“Just the facts, Ma’am.”

> Government at all levels in the United States is to protect the people’s rights and uphold the rule of law, beginning with the U. S. Constitution.

> The survival of our Constitutional republic is utterly dependent on free and fair elections.

> On Dec. 11, SCOTUS did not rule on the merits of the case brought by Texas; its decision was based solely on standing.

> Multiple pathways are available to the Trump legal team which, along with independent groups/attorneys, continues to file suits challenging alleged election fraud and unequal protection under the law.

> Something peculiar happened overnight between Tuesday, Nov. 3, and Wednesday, Nov. 4. Trump led––in some cases by hundreds of thousands of votes––in these six swing states: Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, George, Arizona and Nevada. The vote counting suddenly ceased in the middle of the night and poll workers were told to go home. When the counting resumed several hours later, hundreds of thousands of votes had been added to Biden, giving him the lead in each of these states.

> Thousands of eyewitness accounts and affidavits––sworn testimonies given under penalty of perjury––attest to illegal conduct by elections supervisors and workers, and threats directed at Republican poll observers.

> Numerous complaints of unconstitutional actions by some governors, secretaries of state, and political party leaders have been lodged.

> In 2020, electronic voting (most notably Dominion voting machines and Smartmatic software) was compromised, and used to delete or reassign hundreds of thousands of votes from Trump to Biden.

> Also in 2020, hundreds of thousands of illegal or invalid mail-in ballots were counted for Biden.

> The alarming influence of other countries, from Venezuela to China, and the apparent complicity of some state and local officials by receiving many millions from Big Tech, have cast a pall over the 2020 election.

> It would seem that no rational person can claim the 2020 election to be honest or legal.

> It is quite possible that SCOTUS will rule on the merits of one or more cases still to come before it. The people’s confidence in the integrity of this election hangs upon those decisions.


Whatever the outcome of this election––whether God delivers judgment or gives us more time to repent––God will remain the Sovereign Lord of History.


> for elected officials at all levels.

> for citizens who carry concerns.

> for the courts that will render judgments.

> for Americans of all persuasions, who must find a way to respond to the final outcome.


> God is on the throne.

> One day there will be a final line.