A Week to Remember

8 days to rest, rejuvenate, and celebrate our 51st

A Week to Remember #1

The week began in Nashville, and included a helicopter ride over the city (thank you, Rob).

A Week to Remember #2

Our week proceeds with an inside view of Nashville life.

A Week to Remember #3

Some cities were built on steel, manufacturing, agriculture, commerce. Nashville came to life by blending cords and lyrics––sounds on stage.

Here accomplished artists, aspiring musicians, and assorted dreamers converged to display their wares. Some rose to fame. The Music City today is home to The “Grand Ole Opry” and the Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum.

Ruth and I got a taste of a local artistic seedbed, The Listening Room Cafe (Photo: warm-up session before the house filled). Four young women shared their original music hoping to be noticed, to get that first career break. Let me tell you: these are gifted songwriters who shared deeply of their passion, joys, and challenges. They were amazing. I’d like to go there again.

And, Oh, how I’d love for them to know the One Who fills every need.

Listening Room Cafe: Warm-up Session Before House Filled
A Week to Remember #4

Our abode for 4 nights.

A mailbox off the road was the only clue we were at the right place. My eyes followed a foot trail till it disappeared into the woods (photo #1). No cabin. I asked Ruth to stay in the car while I set out to search for our cabin and to ensure the car would traverse the trail.

A 1/4-mile hike led to a clearing, and this inviting cabin (#2). If they got the building materials and equipment in here, I reasoned, surely our Subaru will make it! Sure enough.

We had been in search of two things: remoteness and internet access (often thought of as mutually exclusive). The first requirement clearly had been met; one could have driven within this short distance of the cabin for years and never have known it existed! The second requirement would prove a reality, as well!

In future posts, I plan to discuss why these criteria were so important to us, yet God had already provided more than we could have imagined. And the blessings had only begun!

A Week to Remember #5

We didn’t venture from our cabin often, but when we did….

Ruth loves water: Oceans, lakes, ponds, rivers, streams, creeks. Ruth loves the water.
We were just 1/4 mile from a huge lake, and she drank it in.

“Be still, and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10a––ESV

A Week to Remember #6

My thoughts one day: putting the world in its place

Predictability over Upheaval

In this secluded cabin, I was tempted to believe that this world was out of control. God’s design for life and family, for government and nations, is being perverted and mocked––evidence of a world attempting life without its Creator. In such an environment, who can know what vagaries lie around the corner?

At the same time, I recalled that God has never lost an election; He has never been defeated in war; His plan for this nation and world cannot be thwarted. From this understanding, everything is neatly on schedule. The Conductor of the Universe has a plan and, instead of panic, God reassures us with order, predictability.

Last week I took photos of the sun’s tireless march from first light till late afternoon. We––and all the animals––knew what to expect from this celestial lamp. The heavens declare the glory of God, and God’s eternal Word points the way.

The Rock of Ages will not be moved. His plan––on which we must stand––is our confidence and hope.

“No wisdom, no understanding, no counsel can avail against the LORD.”

Proverbs 21:30—ESV

A Week to Remember #7

From early morning solitude came these thoughts to sustain us through life:

1. Focus on Someone bigger than yourself.

Quietness, prayer and meditation on God’s Word––that’s how our day began.

2. Increase knowledge that builds confidence.

When it was light enough, we moved out to the porch. I read from Voddie Baucum’s book, Fault Lines: The Social Justice Movement and Evangelicalism’s Looming Catastrophe. There’s a backstory to almost everything. Set out to learn it.

3. Build faith and fortitude needed for what may be coming.

One of the most frequent promises in the Bible is “I will be with you.” Devote yourself to Christ and His way, and you will never be alone. Even in a jail cell He will never leave you nor forsake you. Drink deeply from the well that never runs dry.

“Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?”

Matthew 6:26—ESV

A Week to Remember #8

On the Road Less Traveled

We had talked about a quiet vacation (ideally remote) in rustic surroundings (probably a cabin). It wasn’t an attempt to escape life, nor evade people. We simply wanted to be alone with each other…and with God.

With Each Other

I like words, but am at a loss to explain what Ruth means to me after 51 years. When we got engaged it dawned on me that every plan I would make from there on out would include her.

That was an exciting and very welcome thought!

I would learn how “for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, till death do us part” holds meaning, substance, sacrifice. God would use the next five decades as a training ground: the Bible as guide and His Spirit as inspiration. Oh, how the Lord has been good to us!


During those five days we had only one (brief) conversation with another person. We’ve been a lot of places, but that Kentucky cabin offered five days of quiet solitude like we had never tasted. Lord willing, it won’t be the last.

With God

In recent years, Ruth and I have come to cherish the early hours. The Good Shepherd knows what we need before we ask, and we want to feed in His pasture.

In a men’s Bible study 20 years ago, the conversation turned to God’s design for marriage and family. An older, wise elder concluded simply, “You can’t improve on God’s plan.”

Though many are experimenting on other roads, those words have proven true for those who feed on God’s eternal Word. (And thanks be to God that He can redeem any situation!)

I’m still looking forward to every plan that includes Ruth…and God.