Life Issues

Prayer Requested outside an Abortion Facility

by Jim DeCamp, Published 11-4-2020
Written 11-4-2019

‘Would appreciate your prayer this morning as we will be at the Arlington Ave. abortion facility (in Indy) bearing witness to 

> the preciousness of every image bearer of God. 

> the hope and provision of the Lord––even when in crisis.

> the power of the Gospel to transform hearts and lives. 
For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. 
2 Corinthians 10:3-4––ESV

Five Testimonies and a Chuckle

by Jim DeCamp, Published on November 4, 2020
Written on November 4, 2019


It all took place today outside the abortion facility at 1201 N. Arlington Ave, in Indy. 
This was a “consultation” day; no lives were taken. 


By my count this morning, eight women entered the facility. Pray that they will decide not to follow through with a plan to end their baby’s life, and that they will find God’s peace and hope in this difficult hour. 

There were two apparent “drive-aways.” In each case, they entered the parking lot, talked with their companion for a minute or two, then turned around and drove away. Pray that they truly will decide not to take a child’s life, and that they will find rest and confidence in the Lord. Pray, also, that they will be encouraged by the provision offered from God’s people. 

Each young woman…each little child…bears the image of God. Each is precious to God and, therefore, to us. 


“…to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us.”  (2 Corinthians 4:7––ESV)

Sandy Cassidy kneeling, praying (photo). There is power in the spoken word, and there is power is silence. Wherever, whenever, and however God is pleased to move…there is power. Beginning on one’s knees is a good place to start. 


A young Hispanic woman walked up to me and explained that she had come to appeal to her friend to keep her baby. We talked about hopeful options, including visiting the East Pregnancy Center just two blocks away. I gave her a printout of contact info for all seven Life Centers in the Indy area. A few minutes later her friend arrived and they entered the abortion facility together. 

When I had to leave, they were still inside. Only God knows her struggle of mind and heart, but pray that God’s mighty power will bless this young mother and spare her baby.


A young African-American mother came out of the Social Services building next door. She pushed a stroller with two little boys––ages two years and eight months––and began waiting at the bus stop (right where we minister). If she thanked me once, she thanked me four times for what we were doing. She explained that the Lord had recently given her a whole new life, and that her pastor and others were really encouraging her. She said, “These babies are our future, and we should love them.” It was easy to agree! 

I had to leave her for a minute to offer help to someone, then returned. Tears were rolling down her face at the thought that mothers would do this to their babies. I gave her a copy of the same contact information for Life Centers. She said, “I live in low-income housing, and I’m going to put this on the bulletin board of my building.” 

Pray that God will give strength to this courageous young mom, use her witness, and richly bless her for shining the light of Jesus.


She wore scrubs and carried a 20-ounce coffee, as she finished the 50-foot trek from her car to the building in what must have been record time. I smiled, but there was no eye contact. I wished we could have had a conversation. 

Aware of the pressure and tension on her in that awkward moment, I said simply, “, Ma’am.” It’s one of the groups that helps abortion employees find work elsewhere. Pray for this person, who has a soul and a conscience, that she will find her rest in Jesus.


An elderly couple––way older even than I ?––got off the bus. They walked by me, saw my sign which reads “WE WILL HELP YOU,” and stopped. The sweet lady emptied her coin purse into her hand, then offered it to me. I said, “Thank you very much. This is very kind of you, but why are you giving this to me?” 

“Oh,” she said, embarrassed. “I looked at your sign, and only saw the word ‘HELP.’ I assumed you were a panhandler!” 

I guess I should wear a suit and tie next time. ?

Dachau: Revisiting History

By Jim DeCamp

First photo: August, 1973. The
crematorium at the Dachau concentration camp in Germany. Taken while stationed with an Infantry unit in Germany, fewer than 30 years after WWII.

So as not to offend the host nation, I carefully avoided the subject––but for one occasion.

One winter’s night, it was my responsibility to call someone to repair the furnace in one of our barracks. Just the two of us in that subterranean, dank chamber. If there were ever a time, I thought.

In my broken German-English mix, I crawled to the subject and ventured, “How could it have happened?” A very nice gentleman about 60, he replied with a pained smile and helpless gesture, “I. Do. Not. Know.”

I felt bad for the awkwardness I had caused, and the conversation changed. But not my wonderings: How? How!


I acknowledge those who do not draw a one-for-one comparison between the Holocaust and today’s shedding of the blood of the unborn. And as a Christian who loves God’s Chosen People in the Hebrew Scriptures, who believes they will have a special place in God’s future, I want to be very deliberate in approaching this subject. There are some differences:

> THAT was the targeting for extinction of one ethnic group; THIS is the destruction of lives in all demographics.
> THAT resulted in the extermination of 6 million souls; THIS has cost the United States over 60 million image bearers since 1973.
> THAT ended in a nation’s shame and remorse; THIS is still accepted.


Nothing stays exactly the same; it gets a little better or a little worse, and ours is the opportunity to shape things for the better. I have found great perspective in that thought, yet I cannot rest there.

In truth, most Christian leaders in 1930’s and -40’s Germany avoided the subject. Those who are hailed today actually labored to save lives––at their own peril.

So “What’s it all about, Alfie? Is it just for the moment we live?”


I feel awkward, similar to that cold night in 1973. The blood of the innocent––8,000 Hoosiers babies every year––cries out. How could this be happening?

Opportunities lie before each of us: supporting your local crisis pregnancy center, praying for your pastor, offering words of hope outside an abortion facility, sitting down with elected officials, ministering to those who have abortion in their history, assisting those caught in this industry to find jobs elsewhere.

You are not alone; brothers and sisters will travel this quest for mercy with you. More importantly, Jesus said, “You will be My witnesses,” and “I will be with you.”

History offers no do-overs; only lessons. 

Let mercy reign….

Second photo: Outside the abortion facility at 1201 N. Arlington Ave., on the east side of Indianapolis (in warmer weather)

Request for Prayer at an Abortion Facility

Early on the morning of November 4, 2019


‘Would appreciate your prayer this morning as we will be at the Arlington Ave. abortion facility (in Indy) bearing witness to

> the preciousness of every image bearer of God.

> the hope and provision of the Lord––even when in crisis.

> the power of the Gospel to transform hearts and lives.


For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds.
2 Corinthians 10:3-4––ESV

The Hand of the Oppressor

Creative Commons

Friends, please pray that God will save babies in Indy today.

This is from a friend who is there. Please pray now for the witness at the abortion facility on Arlington Ave. in Indy.

The abortionist, Jeffrey Glazer, arrived about 8 AM today––unusually early.

At least 14 women have already entered the building. It may be a busy day.

May God hold back the hand of the oppressor, and spare mothers and their babies. God hears the prayers of His people.

Victory Belongs to the Lord

Debi and I were on the early shift at the abortion facility on Arlington Ave. this morning. I saw eight young women go in—most of whom were accompanied by adults. Only one has left. (Our replacement is now here.)

One veteran of this ministry texted me, “They herd them in like cattle, and wait for the abortionist to arrive.”

One life will be taken, then another, and another. Jesus, have mercy.
Friends, if you have the hope of the Lord in you, you know that God‘s word is true:
“…the victory belongs to the Lord” (Proverbs 21:31b).

Only God knows how He may use the seeds that were sown this morning—as well as your prayers—for the blessing of others and for His eternal glory.

Let us all be praying for the saints that will be here this afternoon, and for the mothers and little babies who are so at risk. God is able to save!


“Lift High the Name of Jesus”
Keith and Kristyn Getty

To share the reason for our hope,
To serve with love and grace,
That all who see Him shine through us
Might bring the Father praise.

Outpost of the Kingdom


By definition, an outpost is close to the enemy. The Women’s Med Center, 1201 North Arlington Avenue, Indianapolis, Indiana, is the scene where many hundreds of Hoosier babies lost their lives in 2016. And it is there that Hoosier babies continue to be sacrificed. Friday is their usual “killing day.” 1201 N. Arlington is a stronghold of the enemy. There, innocent blood flows.


So it was there that on Friday, April 21, 2017, a rather unusual assemblage––old and young, ethnically diverse, men and women, across the ecclesiastical spectrum––wielded weapons of the Spirit. They prayed, sang, read from the Scriptures, preached, witnessed, kept silence. For five hours they waged spiritual warfare in close proximity to evil.

In truth, there are a few faithful souls who have been standing in the gap for the babies––on the property line of 1201 N. Arlington––for nearly two years. It appears, now, that the Creator and Giver of life is increasing their ranks.

We numbered in the twenties, were bound by a common love for Jesus and, therefore, a passion to save these precious little ones.


We believe that three babies’ lives were spared. Of approximately 20 young women who pulled up to 1201 N. Arlington, one changed her mind before even going into the building. One was inside for only a few minutes, then came out saying, “I can’t do this. I won’t do this.” We believe a third, also, had a change of heart. Our desire is to stay in touch with these young women, to continue to minister to them.

Those on an Outpost may be near bloodshed; they may also witness survival against all odds. Both occurred on April 21, and we worshipped God through it all.


In my understanding, those who work in these facilities are not our enemies. They are victims of a common enemy; namely, the evil one. It is by God’s grace, alone, that I was not on the other side of that door laying waste to “the least of these.” Strongholds such as 1201 N. Arlington grip the souls of those within.

Yet we offer the Gospel of grace, repentance, forgiveness, healing, holiness, new beginnings. We point to Jesus, about Whom we learn in the Scriptures, and by Whose Spirit we seek the Kingdom of God.


“Open your mouth for the mute, for the rights of all who are destitute.” (Proverbs 31:8––ESV) God’s love is the most powerful, healthy, and enduring motivation in the world. Love will overcome a lot––including fear. And there is great joy in standing, along with others, for what is right.

If God is calling you to join in this witness, you can participate through prayer at home, or by your presence at an Outpost of the Kingdom near you. You will not be alone; brothers and sisters will be there, too. And remember the words of Jesus: “I will be with you.”

Mercy and Hope

There is mercy and hope in the Lord. Already today, one mom has changed her mind and spared her baby’s life. A SECOND ONE, JUST NOW! There is oppression in this building. Thank you for praying, friends. God is greater.